Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Long Does A Bottle Of Pinoit Noir Last

Under the Bridge

"Under the Bridge" will be held next year. The organizational structure of the club there will be a new beginning and a break, "said Stefan Hagelstein, at a members meeting in the workshop gallery" The Bow ". At the informal meeting, there were some inquest, particularly involving the financial sector and the general administration. Some neglected areas of responsibility in the events were also on the table. There was praise for the approximately 40 active members during the event under the bridge. In order to secure the future of the event, spoke out for the assembled membership fees and the inclusion of support members. In addition, more public work to be done. The go-ahead to fall at the annual general meeting in January 2010. "To make the event more attractive we need sponsors and target sponsors who finance a group," said Susan Ulmke (2.Vorsitzende). She knows that there are good bands in the region that do not have high salary demands. A meeting date has not yet been named because of the Arnsberg Calendar of events and some events in the region must be coordinated. "We have had this year and unfortunately missed a national major event had revoked the many visitors," says Ulmke. It would be a shame if the 25th Event, "Under the Bridge" for financial resources or other reasons could not take place. "We are trying everything to make this happen, and are on track," says the chairman Jens Hesse. After the annual general meeting will be the new or old board put together in February to decide on date of the event, sponsors and other measures. Supporters and active volunteers can now Report by Stefan Hagelstein already under 0151/73170623 or 02932/897351.

Cat Gives You A Toy Mouse

"As You Like It" - in reference to Schüttelbier

"That's for an art exhibition, where you can participate actively," the visitors' during the annual exhibition of "As You Like It "Neheimer the workshop gallery" The bow ". When the approximately 120 visitors entered the exhibition space, they wondered why no images filled the white walls. Enlightenment there were artists from the bow Pit Schrage: "Look at the empty walls and kreieren sie ihre eigene Ausstellung. Werden sie zum Mittäter, frei nach Beuys, zum Mitkünstler und lassen sie uns gemeinsam das verzapfen, was und jedes Jahr in heftige, strittige und lustige Diskussion wirft.“ Nach der Aufforderung „Hängen sie uns auf, die Nägel sind geschlagen“ machten sich die „Kuratoren auf Zeit“ mit weißen Handschuhen frisch ans Werk. Rund 50 Bilder der Bogenkünstler warteten in Regalen, um sich in der interaktiven Ausstellung zu präsentieren. „Leere Wände sind für einen Künstler immer eine Herausforderung. Diese haben wir in unseren Besuchern geweckt. Dass sie so schnell mitmachen hätte ich nie gedacht“, meint Kirsten Minkel. Mit Spaß und Joy were the so-called fellow artist for the design of the walls. As was once again hung a picture, and emerged elsewhere or disappeared entirely on the shelf. The exhibition space was a stage with an unprecedented staging. "We want it to support the remarkable year in the audience thank bow," the arch-chairman Karl-Heinz Hosse. Anja Cronenberg (Müschede) and Margaret Greitemann (Neheim) is the interactive exhibit something very new. "Otherwise, the shows are always so stiff, it is easy to loose, plus the lively music, because it is really in the mood to join in and will formally become infected." Musically accompanies the exhibition opening of the "Bubble-jazz band". By 22 December is the exhibit opened. During the visits you can still put on hang pictures or other art objects. "It is a permanent change to take place, as it pleases the participants," said Schrage. Opening times: Monday 17-20 clock, Saturday 14-18 clock

Bathhouse In Sacramento

As You Like It

„Wie es euch gefällt“, call the arc Neheimer artists their annual exhibition of 2009. On Sunday 22 Clock by 17 November will see the workshop gallery a very special kind of exhibition. "As you enter our showroom visitors will surely be surprised at what they see at this time. This is something we have not even seen in any other exhibition or witnessed, "said arch-artist Pit Schrage. More than the theme of the exhibition, he did not betray and Haimo Hieronymus. The title should be inspiring. Newly released on the eponymous play by William Shakespeare, from the arch intern "Schüttelbier referred. But do not worry in the exhibition is not an artist or art work banished. It could just be that many a visitor or visitor slips into a particular role. "Do not worry, it does not require any sheathing or drama," says Jerome. It will be an interactive opening. It will be a thank you to the many people who have visited us during and outside of show at the Workshop Gallery. "We want to activate in the annual exhibition, to not always take the observer role," said arch-chairman Karl-Heinz hope, "it is time to take any influence, as he likes." You might think that during the entire exhibition period to "Generative Art" is about. Es ist eine zeitgenössische Form des künstlerischen Schaffens, wobei das Kunstwerk beziehungsweise das Endprodukt nicht im Focus steht. Es überwiegt mehr der Entstehungsprozess und das Wichtigste dabei, die Idee. „Dieses neue Konzept besteht aus Performance und eigener Ideenentwicklung. Wir sind selbst auf die Reaktionen gespannt“, so Schrage. Kunstwerke von Kirsten Minkel, Stephanie Neuhaus, Pit Schrage, Axel Schubert, Karl-Heinz Hosse und Haimo Hieronymus werden zu flexiblen Objekten. Musikalisch wird die interaktive Jahresausstellung von der „Bubble Jazz Band“. Bis zum 22. Dezember kann man bei der Jahresausstellung mitwirken oder einfach als Betrachter die Galerieräume besuchen. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos. Öffnungszeiten: Donnerstags 17 bis 20 Uhr; samstags 14 bis 18 Uhr. Telefon: 02932/203130

Hymen, Make Bleed, *vİdeo,

Manuel Quero Castellano at Ruhr-2010

If on 9 January 2010, the three-day cultural festival in the European Capital of Culture 2010 begins WATCH Neheimer the dancer, choreographer, director, Manuel Quero Castellano is. Together with the Essen Folkwang Dance Studio "(FTS) is Quero on the grounds outside the world heritage Zeche Zollverein at the Opening Ceremony are on the main stage. The choreography takes Henrietta Horn, who has worked for years with the deceased in June Pina Bausch. Quero also was a member of four years, the so-called FTS-Compagnie. Three weeks ago he received the call from horn that he should be present at the event in the Zollverein. "It's a great honor for me a small contribution to European Capital of Culture afford to watch," said the native of Spain. With the FTS, he will show contemporary expression of dance. In the last week, ten dancers met for the first project meeting. "Our group is very multicultural and consists of different nationalities, like the super Ruhrgebiet" according to the head of the dance theater "theater of the arch." A year ago he moved to the workshop gallery "The Bow" and has a studio into a modern theater rebuilt. "Rehearsals will be in Essen. The performance will be a very modern dance and theater to reflect the face of the Ruhr area, "said the 39-year-old. The play will be rehearsed for this event. From 23 November to show it means for Quero rehearse every day, and seven times a week. "It will eventually all be perfect, because there are tens of thousands of expected visitors and of course a live broadcast on TV," said Quero. His further plans in 2010: He wants the Dancers of the famous food from FTS to Arnsberg-Neheim for performances in his "theater of the form" fetch. "I would like a modern dance theater with a contemporary expression of dance in the cultural life of our city to incorporate. I've been trying in my workshops. Just a dance theater for everyone, "hopes confessing the Sauerland.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Staub Vs Le Creuset 2010

First Appearance "Sauerland allstars"

was the first time in the 10-year history of the Sauerland Herbst's the big band ensemble sauerland allstars "on. Exclusive for the anniversary it was collected. The band consists of 22 musicians that have their roots in the Sauerland or dial-Sauer countries. Hired and they are led by jazz star Frederik. "There are one of the best musicians from the Sauerland, which came here together," says organizer George Scherer. He and Wolfgang Meyer will try to establish the orchestral ensemble in this form on the Sauerland. For its premiere needed the excellent and professional musicians two practice evenings. The Neheimer Strucken Matthias is a member of the band. He impressed with his solo on the vibraphone at the song "Softly as in the Morning Sunrise". The first song "Cute" by Jazz trumpeter Neal Hefti was arranged quietly. "We did that on purpose so that all facets of the big band can be heard," said Koester. The 500 attendees enjoyed the transit hall of the BJB. "For us it is important BJB'ler industry, art and culture to get together and go beyond the boundaries of the Sauerland. It is not only lifts and farms, "Philip Henrici said in his greeting. Rich big-band song and first-class Solis presented under the other prominent and award-winning musicians, such as Ingo Lahme (NDR Big Band), Pablo hero, Roland Höppner, Dirk Mündelein, Florian Ulrich Menzel and Letterman. "We hope that this wonderful ensemble is passed down to the Sauerland region, "the enthusiastic guests wanted at the end of the ultimate big band festival night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birthday Cake With Tu Tu

Es geht weiter...ein bisschen :)

So, in future I will finally have to do something.
cause is the wonderful blog of Likedeeler on which I will participate in the future. However
less with such a stuff as here on the blog. Sure, even in the first place but I will try some good rap to pass.
A beautiful new "destination";) I look forward to.

Everything remains as before, "gereuppt" is desired, new erstma is not '.

I would be glad if you Likedeeler in the future would give a little more attention, until then, bye bye, left-turn

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reliable Dryer And Washer Brands?

attempt over time - Peter Meilchen

With the exhibition "test of time," praised the workshop gallery " The sheet "art objects and the artist Peter Neheimer Meilchen. He died on 27 October 2008. Just over 100 visitors came to the exhibition opening and saw not only his work but thought the artist. About 50 Meilchen exhibits from the years from 1977 to 2007, the present arc works of artists in the show. Meilchen often used photographs for his art, which he revised. With satire and a certain self-irony, he changed so many artistic photographs. So also with his film project "Schland. The eight millimeter film has subsequently Meilchen still painted and set to music with lyrics. He was shown during the exhibition. "He combined visual art with text and acting," recalls Mönnich Kai, a friend of the artist. Not only the revised photographs are shown in the retrospective, but also paintings and drawings. His former studio gives the impression that he would be on holiday. Pictures of his work and doing "awakened" him for a few moments to life. Mute or with the words "So it was, the man with the white shoes" they pursued the photo presentation. Poet and radio speaker Andrascz Jaromir Weigoni read from the book "vignettes" some passages from that he started with Meilchen. Arch artist Haimo Hieronymus read a note, which he has found in the documents after the death Meilchens. Quote: "To my envy. What do you grieve you and your wriggling complexes satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the sight of my being. So sit back and think, I am mortal, and when this is done, you may rejoice that the object of your latent anger you is taken. But remember, I keep all my benefits and take them with - along with the lived life. That remains for you and your offense after my death. "Musically, the opening of the exhibition was accompanied by the" Bubble Jazz Band ". By 15 November is the exhibition in the workshop gallery "The Bow", with free admission to visit. The sale proceeds of Meilchens art objects is in a foundation that allows the young artist an annual scholarship in the "arc". Opening times: Thursday 17-20 Clock, clock Saturday to 14 18. Phone: 02932/203130 or www.the-bogen.de .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sensor Light Wiring Diagram

a new chapter in small in large book maintained insolence


I regularly train and I am traumatized accordingly.
Because on every ride seems to be renewed abyss. Today, for example, I can say that I zurückbekäme for my original 50-euro ticket in case of cancellation with luck sometimes just 10 €. So I would - if I have time, for example, spontaneous delight I should break a leg or something - with significant financial detriment of the railway age. Ergo
feel I am in my personal freedom a little limited in the near future and will probably take first place distance from it to break my leg. Especially not when I have a ticket.
redound to my financial disadvantage but even without this, even the prices in the dining car, this unreal world in between, has progressed where inflation is always 20 years ahead than in the rest of the world. It is perhaps three trains passed since I ordered in this Twilight Zone actually something that made me feel happy: a tuna salad. Sure, he was quite busy with the bahnimanenten stigma of usury, but this delicious and abundant. then on the next trip, the product had not went on that stigma, but lost its taste and opulence. My confused look was probably half of the originally proffered animal between the lettuce leaves. At first I wondered, however, whether there was here no guidelines Portionierungsvorrichtungen or anything like that exist, as since it is here but ultimately negotiated by none other than the German track.
consumed with slight displeasure, I soon after tuna and salad and thought back then: Perhaps one of the friendly web staff (or in this case, at least the railway staff) at the end of his working day to take the remains home. And maybe he has four children, he must get through, and saves so here are a little tuna, there a little butter and there is an old bread. May be yes.
However, I entertained the faint hope that the family of the next smaller, and the waiter next salad would be larger again.
But far from it. The train that is driving their prices consistent: the same extent as services shrinks and stops here and the tuna salad. In fact, I had at the sight of the last disc feels as if tuna was here at best administered in homeopathic doses. In this case, this meager bit of fish, however, experienced by a professional with some tactical dished cucumber was so hidden that even the untrained eye might well have been suggest that among them JURISDICTION still a certain amount of fish. Suspicious that I raised his cucumber slices ... Perturbed by then in the bleak Blank stare of leaf lettuce.
When the waiter accidentally hit me again happened, I wanted to give him a chance, I jumped up, looked at him sharply and asked, gravely:
"Do you have children," His denial
put an end to my first theory. What then could be the reason for this bizarre continuing erosion? Advanced
fish evaporation?
or a strike of tuna in itself?
And although the train once again planning to increase their prices, I closed despicable profiteering as the cause are still outstanding.
So I breathed my tuna and asked myself but what a homeopathic therapy tuna are good well-liked. But perhaps there is out there, so something like tuna cold, a disease that I would get no more from now. Either way I'm looking forward to my next ride. Without doubt, the fish salatimanente dose will be reduced further, the dolphins are safer than ever before and the menu is tuna salad deleted and replaced by a "salad with tuna fish smell" his.

Installing Rth2310 Thermostat



The economic crisis is keeping us in unrelenting stranglehold.
And unfortunately not found a way to push the whole thing to the terrorists in their shoes.
But even without Al Qaeda is the subject so popular that everyone has an opinion on this anyway. Even I
I suspect, for example, who, if anyone pinched stimulus packages will end up paying the postage.
Also, I am of the opinion that someone should not take away his belt, if you want him to close his seatbelt. But
said crisis is indeed not our only problem. There are so many things, which you can currently have an opinion.
For example, the terror that can mutate into the highly infectious Paranoidose Schäublensis to Germany and after a single terrorist training camp.
But we are rightly warned: do Next beyond this Teroristen namely the White House, Americans have found out. Of course they want to make this
And they also want to lead into gold.
And that is not to be trifled with the best will ...
Terrormischpoke Although it, too, only on the covers creating, again if a Bin Laden has a beard rehearsed Double trip.
But thanks be to Allah, one can not only monitor terrorists:
are equal to those namely employees.
The large-scale surveillance scandals, however, are also forgotten. Lidl placed back with the help of a little tabloid Canossa-image distance, and telecom and railway scandals have already become all forget, wobei ihr Nachbeben jeodch zumindest noch den König der Schaffner, den Schienensauron Mehdorn vom Bahnsitz gefegt hat.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat besagter Minister Schäuble, dessen schützende Hand damoklesschwertgleich allzeit über unseren Häuptern hängt, im Zuge dieser bedauerlichen Einzelfälle eine Sondersitzung einberufen. Deren zentrales Ergebnis war die Feststellung, dass Gesetze zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmer so schnell nicht zu schaffen sein werden.
Eine Information,welche die Titelblätter nur knapp verfehlte.
Vor allem weil sie harte Konkurrenz in der Welt der bedeutsamen Informationen hat.
Und das hat wieder etwas mit Meinungsfreiheit zu tun.
Wobei der Gedanke der Arbeitnehmerüberwachung natürlich completely correct. Surveillance provides security. The ladies at Lidl could eventually steal not just coupons, but the proceeds thereof, refer you to Al Qaeda accounts. Thank God
prevents someone.
Yes, believe it or not, I am monitoring standards for employees.
especially since Minister Schäuble in the sense of democracy is indeed my quasi employee.
In this context, it would be certainly a good idea to search through his household waste time to read his emails, his phone to listen a little and see what he does with his coupons.
only that he was not at the end does something that hurts the company Germany ... Most people
bewegen jedoch andere Sachen.
Obwohl ein Michael Jackson Comeback mir persönlich eines der unglaubwürdigsten Ablenkungsmannöver überhaupt scheint...
Doch auch hier sein noch einmal auf die Bedeutung der Meinungsfreiheit hingewiesen.
Zu allem kann man schließlich eine Meinung haben.
Wobei der gute George Bernard Shaw schon ganz treffend bemerkte: „Geben Sie sich niemals mit einer einzige Meinung zufrieden.“. Und tatsächlich empfinde ich eine Mehrfachmeinung ungleich sinniger als gar keine.
Obwohl so viel Meinung dann doch schon wieder etwas bisschen viel ist. Aus diesem Grund wäre doch einfach mal eine kleine Internetzensur angebracht. Und weil man aber das Terrorlabel nicht überall draufkleben can you here chasing another pig shuddering through the village. And the rattling chain of kinderpornogaphischen bugbear is so bone-chilling, that hardly anyone dares to think about what censorship actually.
In Australia recently about a list of pages being made public that it intends to censor the government there. Surprisingly, a large percentage of them do not even remotely has to do with child pornography.
But this is surely only a coincidence.
After all, do only make all the world a better place. The Americans have
even painted her black president.
The world is moving.
And Germany enjoying his freedom of expression and vegetate between scrapping and binge drinking.
To obtain this freedom to do even the powerful of our time, what they can:
education shrink, fueling fears and pervert the content of mass media.
And with success: in many places makes you look through the use of grammatically correct sentences already suspicious. Elsewhere, even the unemployed are so scared that they fear losing their jobs, and last would be the definition of the popular television program as a hazardous waste landfill an unrealistic Nice advertising.
All the efforts to free speech with magnificent fruits, such as one recently also on the testimony of a Dayana Mendoza, Miss her character could see the universe. Together with a colleague they had visited the Guantanamo prison camp and wrote about it in her blog: "Guantanamo is sooo funny.
Thanks to the investigative work of the most beautiful woman in the world we know: The world has misunderstood
is because in reality the stock a huge bouncy castle and on the hour appear Buffy the clown ..
There's nothing like a trained differentiated perception.
And this can be learned: let us give up education and information, have fear and watch TV. And soon we are the best citizens who want a state in can:
all 100% opinion-free.

© Christian von Aster - www.vonaster.de

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Who Is The Actress In Listerine Total Care

Westphalia Winds in Arnsberg-Husten

On 2 Time was the symphonic wind band "Westfalen Winds" her family concert "sound coffee" at the Cultural hips at the Berlin court. "We want long-term in Arnsberg have a location," said spokesman Julian Aubke. Sorry, there were just over 100 people to the event. "We are a nationwide ensemble and have the room Arnsberg not yet established," says Aubke the small audience. Next year, it certainly looks better, as currently required, the cultural scene in a certain lead time. Viewers who have found their way into the cultural center experienced a truly symphonic concert at a high level. On the musical journey the audience a struggle between good and evil, the quest for perfection met but also ordinary everyday and familiar screen heroes. by 65 musicians led by conductor Uli Schmidt it with their instruments in the limelight. Even the opening track "The Undanced Ballet" by Frigyes Hidas describes the good and evil conflict. It is the choice piece of what the "Westphalia Winds" at the 12th play the International Band Competition in Italy. Then there is the compulsory piece "Armageddon" with seven sets of Hardy Mertens. In an impressive way the "Last Judgement" in a symphonic firework was put forward. Sauerland premiere had the "dream machine" of Arnsberg Thiemo Kraas. An interplay of narrative and music. The actress Anna-Maria seamount was the narrator. The tale: an unsuccessful Träumli professor and his assistant Tolpi finally invented the dream machine. You put the two inventors to the Middle Ages. Die Zuhören gingen durch die ausdruckstarke Erzählung von Wasserberg und der musikalischen Begleitung mit auf die Reise. Dort machen sie Bekanntschaft mit Rittern, Hexen, Geistern, einer Prinzessin und erlebten das bunte Treiben auf einem Marktplatz. Für Träumli wiederholte sich sein letzter Traum. Als er mit Mühe und Not einem Gespenst entkam, musste er feststellen, dass er auf einem Stuhl in seinem Labor saß. Die Frage: Doch nur ein Traum? Die Filmmusik von Hero „Supermann“ und „Batmann“ schlossen den musikalischen Reigen zwischen Gut und Böse sowie das Streben nach Perfektion oder das Ringen um Ideale. Mit viel Applaus bedankten sich die Zuhörer dafür, dass sie einen idealen Nachmittag mit ihrer were able to see family.

Sugar Paste Motorbike

SUG Benefit Gala

"Miramar" means "A Window to the Sea" and is a social project to be 15 years at St. Ursula -Gynasium (SUG). The anniversary celebrated the SUG small-school community with their parents and teachers in the Hüstener Schützenhalle. Founded in the working group "Our World" in 1994 by 13 students and two teachers of the SUG. "The working group then began the class 10", remember the initiators Jürgen Schmitz and Harald Prattki. Around 118 students of classes 8 to 13 participating in the joint operations of the time for "Miramar". The motto of the school gala, "We celebrate - a chance for Pedro and Estefania. Here are two children from the district of San Miguel in Lima, Peru. You do not look out a window to the sea, but on a garbage dump. Estefania, a student of the 4th Class, would like to go to a school. She writes: "In school I have something to eat and it is clean. My parents have no money for a good education. "Pedro wants to go to school, but in order to survive in Lima, he must Candy sale. His brothers are shoe shiners and the parents come late in the evening to get home from work. "We celebrate today, so that the two children have a chance. The proceeds from the gala goes to 100 percent of the project, "said presenter Michael Padberg. In the 15 years were collected € 123 000 and 200 thus enable children to attend school. "Also, we could build a two storey house with four residential units, live in the single mothers," says Prattki. Is headed "Mirama" by sisters of the Ursuline Order. There is a kindergarten, primary school, soup kitchen, medical and welfare center with occupational therapy and Pediatrician. "An oasis in the desert for about 200 kindergarten and 650 elementary school children," said Schmitz. He ventured a look into the future: "We want the project" Secundaria "(German: Realschule) continue to expand, so the children can attend school weiterführese. We must not forget our sponsorship project. One can assume for € 25 a month for sponsorship. So far we have been able to give 29th As a sign of solidarity helped the 250 Gala guests a lapel pin. "Genuine handmade in Peru. The couple has been made of wire and wool, "said one student. An impression of life in the slums was the trip report of some students. They were 2008 in San Miguel, in order to gain an insight on the spot. "Only those who know the views, as we have it good," said Prattki. The SUG-Big Band and "Next Generation" provided for the musical and the "Juggling Penguins" took the action part.

How To Stop Vitiligo Spreading

The Crypt Keeper - Group K

Three students from the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart spend their vacations in Arnsberg. But not to spend their holidays together in the beautiful Sauerland region, but the only drama of Franz Kafka's "The Crypt Keeper" to implement their own way. Artistically, she accompanies Yehuda Almagor, head of the Arnsberg Teatron Theatre. He made contact with Maik Evers, Catherine Muschiol and Stefan Wenzel. Showing the three at the Stuttgart University study puppetry. "There is no clear explanation for the puppet theater. The actor is a character, "said Evers," in the 50's was the puppet theater. They wanted to stand apart from the usual Theater. "As an actor you have more liberties, because it goes beyond the doll. Since early September, they alternately rehearse for their production in Kafka der Werkstattgalerie Der Bogen und im Übungsraum des Teatron-Theaters im alten Hallenbad, Alt-Arnsberg. Erst durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Almagor und Manuel Quero gaben sich die drei den Namen „Gruppe K“. „Es ist einfach ganz toll hier. Wir wurden mit offenen Armen empfangen. Das findet man nicht überall“, betont Muschiol. Sie wollte gerne das Drama aufführen, weil sie eine Facharbeit über Kafka geschrieben hat. Schon in den ersten Proben sah man, mit wie viel Leidenschaft sie an die Sache gehen. „Es kommt nicht so auf den Text an. Gestik, Mimik, Puppen können mehr ausdrücken“, meint Wenzel. Das schwierige beim Figurentheater, man muss dabei animieren und inszenieren, Ausdrucksmittel und Darstellung genau abstimmen, weil der Schauspieler sich in körperlicher Distanz zu seiner Rolle befindet. In ihrer Kafka-Aufführung begeben sich in ungewöhnliche Bereiche und versuchen die Realität auf den Kopf zu stellen. „Wir interpretieren. Auf einige Fragen wird es keine Antworten geben. In der Traum- und Totenwelt werden sich Figur und Mensch treffen“, verrät Muschiol. Die Aufführung „Der Gruftwächter“ von der „Gruppe K“ ist ein Projektabschluss ihres Hochschul-Studienganges Figurentheater.