Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Long Does A Bottle Of Pinoit Noir Last

Under the Bridge

"Under the Bridge" will be held next year. The organizational structure of the club there will be a new beginning and a break, "said Stefan Hagelstein, at a members meeting in the workshop gallery" The Bow ". At the informal meeting, there were some inquest, particularly involving the financial sector and the general administration. Some neglected areas of responsibility in the events were also on the table. There was praise for the approximately 40 active members during the event under the bridge. In order to secure the future of the event, spoke out for the assembled membership fees and the inclusion of support members. In addition, more public work to be done. The go-ahead to fall at the annual general meeting in January 2010. "To make the event more attractive we need sponsors and target sponsors who finance a group," said Susan Ulmke (2.Vorsitzende). She knows that there are good bands in the region that do not have high salary demands. A meeting date has not yet been named because of the Arnsberg Calendar of events and some events in the region must be coordinated. "We have had this year and unfortunately missed a national major event had revoked the many visitors," says Ulmke. It would be a shame if the 25th Event, "Under the Bridge" for financial resources or other reasons could not take place. "We are trying everything to make this happen, and are on track," says the chairman Jens Hesse. After the annual general meeting will be the new or old board put together in February to decide on date of the event, sponsors and other measures. Supporters and active volunteers can now Report by Stefan Hagelstein already under 0151/73170623 or 02932/897351.


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