Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Who Is The Actress In Listerine Total Care

Westphalia Winds in Arnsberg-Husten

On 2 Time was the symphonic wind band "Westfalen Winds" her family concert "sound coffee" at the Cultural hips at the Berlin court. "We want long-term in Arnsberg have a location," said spokesman Julian Aubke. Sorry, there were just over 100 people to the event. "We are a nationwide ensemble and have the room Arnsberg not yet established," says Aubke the small audience. Next year, it certainly looks better, as currently required, the cultural scene in a certain lead time. Viewers who have found their way into the cultural center experienced a truly symphonic concert at a high level. On the musical journey the audience a struggle between good and evil, the quest for perfection met but also ordinary everyday and familiar screen heroes. by 65 musicians led by conductor Uli Schmidt it with their instruments in the limelight. Even the opening track "The Undanced Ballet" by Frigyes Hidas describes the good and evil conflict. It is the choice piece of what the "Westphalia Winds" at the 12th play the International Band Competition in Italy. Then there is the compulsory piece "Armageddon" with seven sets of Hardy Mertens. In an impressive way the "Last Judgement" in a symphonic firework was put forward. Sauerland premiere had the "dream machine" of Arnsberg Thiemo Kraas. An interplay of narrative and music. The actress Anna-Maria seamount was the narrator. The tale: an unsuccessful Träumli professor and his assistant Tolpi finally invented the dream machine. You put the two inventors to the Middle Ages. Die Zuhören gingen durch die ausdruckstarke Erzählung von Wasserberg und der musikalischen Begleitung mit auf die Reise. Dort machen sie Bekanntschaft mit Rittern, Hexen, Geistern, einer Prinzessin und erlebten das bunte Treiben auf einem Marktplatz. Für Träumli wiederholte sich sein letzter Traum. Als er mit Mühe und Not einem Gespenst entkam, musste er feststellen, dass er auf einem Stuhl in seinem Labor saß. Die Frage: Doch nur ein Traum? Die Filmmusik von Hero „Supermann“ und „Batmann“ schlossen den musikalischen Reigen zwischen Gut und Böse sowie das Streben nach Perfektion oder das Ringen um Ideale. Mit viel Applaus bedankten sich die Zuhörer dafür, dass sie einen idealen Nachmittag mit ihrer were able to see family.


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