Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Installing Rth2310 Thermostat



The economic crisis is keeping us in unrelenting stranglehold.
And unfortunately not found a way to push the whole thing to the terrorists in their shoes.
But even without Al Qaeda is the subject so popular that everyone has an opinion on this anyway. Even I
I suspect, for example, who, if anyone pinched stimulus packages will end up paying the postage.
Also, I am of the opinion that someone should not take away his belt, if you want him to close his seatbelt. But
said crisis is indeed not our only problem. There are so many things, which you can currently have an opinion.
For example, the terror that can mutate into the highly infectious Paranoidose Schäublensis to Germany and after a single terrorist training camp.
But we are rightly warned: do Next beyond this Teroristen namely the White House, Americans have found out. Of course they want to make this
And they also want to lead into gold.
And that is not to be trifled with the best will ...
Terrormischpoke Although it, too, only on the covers creating, again if a Bin Laden has a beard rehearsed Double trip.
But thanks be to Allah, one can not only monitor terrorists:
are equal to those namely employees.
The large-scale surveillance scandals, however, are also forgotten. Lidl placed back with the help of a little tabloid Canossa-image distance, and telecom and railway scandals have already become all forget, wobei ihr Nachbeben jeodch zumindest noch den König der Schaffner, den Schienensauron Mehdorn vom Bahnsitz gefegt hat.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat besagter Minister Schäuble, dessen schützende Hand damoklesschwertgleich allzeit über unseren Häuptern hängt, im Zuge dieser bedauerlichen Einzelfälle eine Sondersitzung einberufen. Deren zentrales Ergebnis war die Feststellung, dass Gesetze zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmer so schnell nicht zu schaffen sein werden.
Eine Information,welche die Titelblätter nur knapp verfehlte.
Vor allem weil sie harte Konkurrenz in der Welt der bedeutsamen Informationen hat.
Und das hat wieder etwas mit Meinungsfreiheit zu tun.
Wobei der Gedanke der Arbeitnehmerüberwachung natürlich completely correct. Surveillance provides security. The ladies at Lidl could eventually steal not just coupons, but the proceeds thereof, refer you to Al Qaeda accounts. Thank God
prevents someone.
Yes, believe it or not, I am monitoring standards for employees.
especially since Minister Schäuble in the sense of democracy is indeed my quasi employee.
In this context, it would be certainly a good idea to search through his household waste time to read his emails, his phone to listen a little and see what he does with his coupons.
only that he was not at the end does something that hurts the company Germany ... Most people
bewegen jedoch andere Sachen.
Obwohl ein Michael Jackson Comeback mir persönlich eines der unglaubwürdigsten Ablenkungsmannöver überhaupt scheint...
Doch auch hier sein noch einmal auf die Bedeutung der Meinungsfreiheit hingewiesen.
Zu allem kann man schließlich eine Meinung haben.
Wobei der gute George Bernard Shaw schon ganz treffend bemerkte: „Geben Sie sich niemals mit einer einzige Meinung zufrieden.“. Und tatsächlich empfinde ich eine Mehrfachmeinung ungleich sinniger als gar keine.
Obwohl so viel Meinung dann doch schon wieder etwas bisschen viel ist. Aus diesem Grund wäre doch einfach mal eine kleine Internetzensur angebracht. Und weil man aber das Terrorlabel nicht überall draufkleben can you here chasing another pig shuddering through the village. And the rattling chain of kinderpornogaphischen bugbear is so bone-chilling, that hardly anyone dares to think about what censorship actually.
In Australia recently about a list of pages being made public that it intends to censor the government there. Surprisingly, a large percentage of them do not even remotely has to do with child pornography.
But this is surely only a coincidence.
After all, do only make all the world a better place. The Americans have
even painted her black president.
The world is moving.
And Germany enjoying his freedom of expression and vegetate between scrapping and binge drinking.
To obtain this freedom to do even the powerful of our time, what they can:
education shrink, fueling fears and pervert the content of mass media.
And with success: in many places makes you look through the use of grammatically correct sentences already suspicious. Elsewhere, even the unemployed are so scared that they fear losing their jobs, and last would be the definition of the popular television program as a hazardous waste landfill an unrealistic Nice advertising.
All the efforts to free speech with magnificent fruits, such as one recently also on the testimony of a Dayana Mendoza, Miss her character could see the universe. Together with a colleague they had visited the Guantanamo prison camp and wrote about it in her blog: "Guantanamo is sooo funny.
Thanks to the investigative work of the most beautiful woman in the world we know: The world has misunderstood
is because in reality the stock a huge bouncy castle and on the hour appear Buffy the clown ..
There's nothing like a trained differentiated perception.
And this can be learned: let us give up education and information, have fear and watch TV. And soon we are the best citizens who want a state in can:
all 100% opinion-free.

© Christian von Aster - www.vonaster.de


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