The future of the conflict aesthetics
see with regret that leaders are currently facing as it were in a largely democratic and in less democratic than in all other democratic countries than in the population with growing anger against caused necessary military conflicts.
The reason is the growing claims of the public. The staging an impressive spectacle in the war genre these days is far less simple than about even in the 20th Century.
The military judge is overwhelmed. Traditional dissemination of falsehoods about angreifenswerte States does not seem to suffice. The impressive promotional material, the child-eaters, heir apparent killer, poison gun owners, bomb makers and radio stations about this case is shown and highlights the need for war with petty bourgeois moral stress reaches the consumer only to a limited extent.
These days, since in some regions of the war as permanent as originally promised peace, and his troops to the positive effect simply because more time is deducted from war zones, the audience almost as tired of war as of politics.
How can but in a time of resolution of classic enemy structures in the western leaders are desperately clinging to dwarf Korean and Middle Eastern Restweltbedroher usurpers, the wholehearted support of the people for an armed conflict gain?
to answer this question, the community has a moral principle, and no doubt made in law State which is an international fund which the high-level advertising executives, psychologists and designers are paid to generate a more appealing image of war.
goal of this group of luminaries is the Reästhetisierung of the war thought in the population. A big job. Packaging and content of the product must 21 Century and adapted to a completely new sales strategy will be developed.
The product must be made as palatable to the end user that if he on the shelf 250g 500g sees war between two times of peace, even if it is more expensive, without thinking chooses war. But he must not only look more appealing than peace, but also act also attractive. Means YES to war three times, namely a free tank of fuel or a weekend at Disneyland, it is also changing the social attitude towards the military intervention.
The Working Group has conflict of aesthetics but also considered to confront the public with the truth about impending conflicts.
slogans like 'We want your oil, "" We want to overthrow your rulers to use in its place a who does what we say 'or' our army costs so much, the need to do something ', however, proved difficult to sell.
wraps ever since the common pro-war is like in the warm cloak of morality. For this reason, it is also the old parable "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Give him a fishing rod and you feed him his entire life. Give him a gun, and he can consider whether he takes away his neighbor the fish or fishing. "As a rule, reduced to the last part.
The deliberate use of euphemisms such as war-like situation was ultimately not what he promised. This from the classical War almost completely alienated the public was surprised to suddenly realize that in such conflicts actually dying soldiers and war-like conditions lead to killing similar incidents.
On those grounds, the Working Group decided in favor of the aesthetic conflict Repopulasierung of military conflict to a radical U-turn.
The military conflict in favor of the 21 psychology Century away from the classical Kriegstreiberpolemik. Instead, she turns to a higher level in the best interests of the planet and all humanity. And this will in future no longer a rogue state by low-rings together with the associated boss rogue achieved, but of a completely impersonal level. This will - to the delight of the client - the subject and objective of war completely interchangeable.
is important in this new context, only that war is waged. For the good of all and of course in the world.
What you can Do better than a war that heals the world?
this purpose, first course, some ingenious innovations needed: The general prohibition of cluster bombs and cluster is limited and is no longer live for explosive devices, which are loaded with seed pods and topsoil. The seeds have the natural auszubringenden be adapted fauna of the war zone and equipped with fast-growing plants to make a bomb crater within a week to a fertile habitat. This can then be reintroduced following the infantry on its march through small endangered animals.
each soldier will also continue in the course of combat training, a horticultural training given. In its basic equipment, it is now also carry next Faltgießkanne fertilizer and plant a hedge trimmer with it. In the foreground is
less in the future of the military conflict itself rather than the sustainable greening of the associated scene.
It is about nothing less Kolateralschadenbegrünung.
reforestation instead of slaughter.
Außerdem erfolgt, während Langstreckenraketen auf Rapsöl umgestellt werden, eine Umrüstung von Kampfjets und Panzern auf Biodiesel. Desweiteren werden Fertigung und Verkauf von Waffen künftig unter Fairtrade Bedingungen in Drittweltfabriken abgewickelt, während die zuständigen Stellen eine ozonlochfreundliche Waffentechnologie entwickeln, deren Abfeuern das Klima stabilisiert.
Obwohl diese Pläne bereits umgesetzt werden, konzentriert die Arbeitsgruppe sich gegenwärtig zunächst noch darauf, festsitzende negative Kriegsassoziationen innerhalb der Bevölkerung auszumerzen.
Diese werden beispielsweise durch realistische Kriegsdarstellungen ausgelöst, wie sie sich im Zeitalter alternativer Medien bedauerlicherweise not be prevented. Reports of civilian casualties, as they are uncomfortable for longer conflicts pile up can unsettle the fickle supporters of war. But even here the conflict aesthetes offer within the meaning of the new approach a solution in the future of the soldier responsible to be responsible for any damage that he death of a civilian to sponsor an endangered animal.
And the sight of blooming battlefields armed landscape gardener and all sorts of happy once nearly extinct animals, the world public will soon realize that the nature of any war with more relaxed and therefore demand for the good of humanity more of it. For
wer in eine Wüste einfällt um wenig später blühende Landschaften zu hinterlassen, dem ist der Naturschutznobelpreis beinahe gewiss.
Die Arbeitsgruppe Konfliktästhetik ist jeden Cent wert gewesen. Sie hat dem Krieg eine rosige Zukunft beschert, die den vernünftigen Bürger guten Gewissens JA sagen lässt.
Denn Bio ist besser. Rette die Wale, stoppe die Klimakatastrophe, schließe das Ozonloch, beende das Waldsterben, sag JA zum Krieg!
Und wenn es dann zum Wohle aller und der Welt am Ende heißt: KRIEG - 100% Bio, dann führt die Welt ihn gerne.
Wo auch immer.
Und dann darf es auch ruhig etwas teurer sein…
©christian von aster
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