Monday, November 20, 2006

Make Dora Backpack Favor Bag

Tollkühn defiantly tränentalwärts

Hast in Stendal du gelesen,
bist in der Hölle du gewesen.

Dies ist das völlig unemotional and completely objective opinion of a well-traveled bohemian, which is on the edge of civilization saw nothing with the perfect face.
Although, near the black hole, in which each culture is transformed into the pale mist, there was a pretty small museum. That was fine. Especially the part that was for children. Antique vase puzzle, crawl under the ashes of Pompeii and tactile experiences of various kinds
any case, I recommend crawling tubes.
A true fountain of youth. (If someone has to smooch it should crawl two!)
were outside in the garden then the colleagues are still a Trojan horse with which they have made it into the Guinness book. But only because the mare einen Irokesenschnitt hat, der über 80 cm hoch ist. Ungelogen. Sonst wär' es Essig gewesen mit Rekord.
Oben im Pferd ist übrigens eine Luke, durch die man rausschauen kann. Direkt auf den Pool einer Dame, die im Sommer gerne nackt badet. Naja, schlechtes Timing. Die Dame hat jedenfalls eigentlich eine Mauer gebaut, damit ihr niemand zusehen kann. Allerdings bevor das Pferd stand... Ich muss nicht extra erwähnen, dass das Gericht sich damit befasst.

Ansonsten empfehle ich für die Karrieristen unter den Literaten in Stendal eine Lesung von Bauernregeln im Rahmen einer Spiegelei und Kornverkostung abzuhalten.
Davon ab war mein Publikum durchgehend nett, aber ebenso durchgehend nicht ortsansässig.

Zuletzt a little education. The etymology of the term tragedy. I was really rocked: Tragos (Greek goat) ode (Greek chant). The noble art of tragedy is an art of ergo Bock songs ...

And then a warning: Museum shops are to be avoided by irrational people with low income, combined with general education fetishism urgent .

Listening to one that now has things
of which he did until recently not even know it exists ...
bocksgesangigst greets it

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Gohan Filha Da Bulma Doujin

mysterious fortune cookies and passed

cabaret prize is picked up, satisfaction will come. Meanwhile, there are prices for writing, stage and film, which I do constantly tell people that I should do it differently. Something seems to agree but in any case ...
So I turn next year, a 90-minute. Full stop.
from which I recently had the most bizarre fortune cookie of my life. The note told me in oracular fashion: MAN IS A DRINK AFTER YOU CALL.
times I must address the bartenders in my circle. It would be delicious, but it violently.
Finally, I've read the second part of Master Li. THE STONE OF HEAVEN. Is different than the first, but still great. Cheerfully bizarre mystical Chinese. Rocks.
The recipient receives the first and the second part now, but I'll take him the first down again, give him someone else, which I again ask me another book that I once gave him. Literature has something as organic if it comes around in the world ...
share last I be with my esteemed readers recently-won knowledge, one of the eight hidden master of ass-Fu.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Religious Donation Letters

prices while drawing shaky disruptive decay studies

the technology and the knowledge of them is not what the people in the cradle was laid. But maintaining the mortals this kind very quickly. Especially when it changes by the pressure of a wrong key, the determined efforts of an hour it took some ash added. Or better to less than ash. With ash, you can still click on undo . With what I no longer had. And so bored by my side now, a English saint. Santa Frustracion looks over my shoulder and says: "Depp du"
am I to my heart and illustrate today ganix times more. Instead, I've
made a silly photo * g *, whose extraordinary cheerful content to be only friends of the Cthulhu Mythos open up fully. But
'll know next week I report on things that to understand each be able, without the Santa Frustracion he must appear.

So much of this side of the keyboard
Mr. Aster