Monday, July 5, 2010

Invocationbirthday Dinner

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When Fritz Schmidt died because he did it the way he had lived, as the Most other also by one morning just simply no longer woke up.

His soul, which had already been resolved by the body, was initially overwhelmed with the situation and would have two whole days with her body before she finally went to heaven.

But here she was received less favorably, and Peter, it meant no uncertain terms that they would spend the rest of eternity, not in the company of angels

So was the soul of a little later on the arduous journey into the depths of individual essential RVL and went, as they say commonly, to hell.

Once there, the devil disguised even her way and made it perfectly clear that it also required a certain qualification. In fact, this was to gain even more difficult than for the heavenly realms. You had to make quite a bit in order to be worthy of hell.

This was Fritz Schmidt not anticipated.

to have been dismissed in the sky was, in his opinion, tantamount to the admission for the hell was. Especially since you had

remain so in the end somewhere.

At this moment, faced with the Lord of Hell, was out for the soul of Fritz Schmidt's time, whether they wander forever hiss heaven and hell or while receiving a place in hell.

Satan opened his throat and asked in a voice that sounded so frightening by the eternal darkness that every damn soul erschauertre to the core:

"What, have a soul, you done to earn you your place in hell "The soul

Fritz Schmidt, the security exception to the devil rather miserably pondered briefly. Then she answered truthfully and with a not so good feeling


was silence for a moment.

The soul knew very well that the devil had hoped for something more. And secretly he prepared himself before it, for ever and ever get to heaven and hell in oblivion, when the devil suddenly bowed, and he cleared the path.

For those who did not were in ancient times the iron backbone of hell. They filled their ranks

, determined the fate of the world, and have been the unshakeable foundation of power. Where ever did a single true evil, that evil needs to flourish but still a dozen of whom did nothing.

Those who did nothing were the worst of the worst, which was obviously later than the moment when you picked her next, killed or burned.

The devil knew very well that without souls like this, hell would be empty and he had nothing. And that is why they deserve the best places down here ...

And shuddering looked at the devil Fritz Schmidt, as these now take his rightful place in hell ...

© Christian von Aster


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