Monday, May 3, 2010

Is There Anyway To Watch Bang Bug For Free

We do what we can ...

Christian von Aster:
nasty glosses for a better world / No. XIV

A service glosses in Magenta

I'm still in the telecom
If I remember right, I could blame anyone if he now laughs.
But I belong to a generation that has its telephone line virtually even inherited from their parents. And who knew back then yet another.
Since then, of course, things have changed. But if you look closer, the change from one phone to another provider seems hardly more than a desperate attempt to break the vicious auszutelefonieren with another.

I'm still foremost in the telecom, because I relied on their experience and anticipated that it is there any better.
actually And customers of other providers will only Verarsche given. The Telekom, however, provides Premiumverarsche .
The disclosed but only if they do more to be written as invoices ...

a year ago I was planning a move, informed in advance the telecom and gave her via the Internet - where you can even today can do everything - a move order for my connection. It is the way to look fantastic, with many variants of what is full variety of Potemkin service offers the homepage of the Telekom. Shortly thereafter I received an email confirmation anyway, which is nothing but spam in retrospect, only less entertaining.
This must be said, however, that sending an automatically generated mail is apparently the only thing that works smoothly with Telekom.
A week before my move I called - which I now had long enough to enjoy the said mail - after all, sometimes at the Telekom and was told that my order would be a system failure fell victim to one would care but once.
We took care of then.
long, detailed, intense and with no visible results, so I spend most of my days free time on the telecom service line and run a number of highly emotional conversations allowed, broken down as follows can be summarized:
Telekom " We do what we can "
I". But what can you do that? "
Telekom:" We can not do anything "

Nach einigen tristen Wochen, in denen ich und die Telekom uns stetig näherkamen, hatte ich zumindest meinen Festnetzanschluss wieder.
Nur das Internet gönnte man mir nicht, weshalb ich die zarten Bande, die mich mit dem Konzern verbanden, redlich pflegte. Inzwischen hatte ich mich auf einen Kompetenz simulierenden Mitartbeiter eingeschossen, der mir eines Tages am Telefon eine heitere Anekdote erzählte: Nach einem halben Jahr ungelöster Anschlussprobleme hätte er einmal eine Kundin persönlich getroffen und es wäre ein wirklich netter Abend gewesen.
Von dieser Aussicht in bedingt freudige Erregung versetzt, I expected him once, which had close relationship with the company said cost me now.
My comparison was sympathetic. And instead of me to suggest a personal meeting with candle light, he offered me credit. And that in a such an impressive scale, it just pacified me for the moment like a lollipop, which you rammed a crying child in the throat.

After nine months, a total of 18 calls and six employees of the telecom service line, I come to the conclusion that the company may suffer from amnesia. He could, however, also bet that customers in favor of friendly talks forgot what they were promised on the phone, or die before their credit is due. Where, of course, also possible is that Telekom has applied its long-term credit policy, and all the full-bodied promised benefits ultimately be given to my grandchildren.

But I also have another interesting theory was developed: namely, that the Group operates under the hand of a single market.
singles from all over Germany to pay for being allowed to work in telecom call centers, where they are in daily contact with hundreds of dissatisfied Customers that they can learn in detail on the phone to then, where appropriate, to meet with them and to marry eventually.
Only when all these things thinks about, is able to say what the German Telekom is actually:
A group that bills writes, in addition to a secret dating agency some Potemkin call center operates, also caused functional telephone lines leased and can prepare a last a whole lot of trouble, for which he can pay princely.

Or to put it to one of the slogans of the current telecom:

Proven quality from one source.

Remember that hand.
Because you will grab you honest in your pocket.
And once you have a problem, they will slap you to know what Magenta is ...*

* in favor of telecom, the authors note that they are remembered after receipt of this text on it him not only to consider very entertaining, but the author, a real credit to hundreds of higher allocation will allow

© 2o1o christian von aster


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