Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Long Does A Bottle Of Pinoit Noir Last

Under the Bridge

"Under the Bridge" will be held next year. The organizational structure of the club there will be a new beginning and a break, "said Stefan Hagelstein, at a members meeting in the workshop gallery" The Bow ". At the informal meeting, there were some inquest, particularly involving the financial sector and the general administration. Some neglected areas of responsibility in the events were also on the table. There was praise for the approximately 40 active members during the event under the bridge. In order to secure the future of the event, spoke out for the assembled membership fees and the inclusion of support members. In addition, more public work to be done. The go-ahead to fall at the annual general meeting in January 2010. "To make the event more attractive we need sponsors and target sponsors who finance a group," said Susan Ulmke (2.Vorsitzende). She knows that there are good bands in the region that do not have high salary demands. A meeting date has not yet been named because of the Arnsberg Calendar of events and some events in the region must be coordinated. "We have had this year and unfortunately missed a national major event had revoked the many visitors," says Ulmke. It would be a shame if the 25th Event, "Under the Bridge" for financial resources or other reasons could not take place. "We are trying everything to make this happen, and are on track," says the chairman Jens Hesse. After the annual general meeting will be the new or old board put together in February to decide on date of the event, sponsors and other measures. Supporters and active volunteers can now Report by Stefan Hagelstein already under 0151/73170623 or 02932/897351.

Cat Gives You A Toy Mouse

"As You Like It" - in reference to Schüttelbier

"That's for an art exhibition, where you can participate actively," the visitors' during the annual exhibition of "As You Like It "Neheimer the workshop gallery" The bow ". When the approximately 120 visitors entered the exhibition space, they wondered why no images filled the white walls. Enlightenment there were artists from the bow Pit Schrage: "Look at the empty walls and kreieren sie ihre eigene Ausstellung. Werden sie zum Mittäter, frei nach Beuys, zum Mitkünstler und lassen sie uns gemeinsam das verzapfen, was und jedes Jahr in heftige, strittige und lustige Diskussion wirft.“ Nach der Aufforderung „Hängen sie uns auf, die Nägel sind geschlagen“ machten sich die „Kuratoren auf Zeit“ mit weißen Handschuhen frisch ans Werk. Rund 50 Bilder der Bogenkünstler warteten in Regalen, um sich in der interaktiven Ausstellung zu präsentieren. „Leere Wände sind für einen Künstler immer eine Herausforderung. Diese haben wir in unseren Besuchern geweckt. Dass sie so schnell mitmachen hätte ich nie gedacht“, meint Kirsten Minkel. Mit Spaß und Joy were the so-called fellow artist for the design of the walls. As was once again hung a picture, and emerged elsewhere or disappeared entirely on the shelf. The exhibition space was a stage with an unprecedented staging. "We want it to support the remarkable year in the audience thank bow," the arch-chairman Karl-Heinz Hosse. Anja Cronenberg (Müschede) and Margaret Greitemann (Neheim) is the interactive exhibit something very new. "Otherwise, the shows are always so stiff, it is easy to loose, plus the lively music, because it is really in the mood to join in and will formally become infected." Musically accompanies the exhibition opening of the "Bubble-jazz band". By 22 December is the exhibit opened. During the visits you can still put on hang pictures or other art objects. "It is a permanent change to take place, as it pleases the participants," said Schrage. Opening times: Monday 17-20 clock, Saturday 14-18 clock

Bathhouse In Sacramento

As You Like It

„Wie es euch gefällt“, call the arc Neheimer artists their annual exhibition of 2009. On Sunday 22 Clock by 17 November will see the workshop gallery a very special kind of exhibition. "As you enter our showroom visitors will surely be surprised at what they see at this time. This is something we have not even seen in any other exhibition or witnessed, "said arch-artist Pit Schrage. More than the theme of the exhibition, he did not betray and Haimo Hieronymus. The title should be inspiring. Newly released on the eponymous play by William Shakespeare, from the arch intern "Schüttelbier referred. But do not worry in the exhibition is not an artist or art work banished. It could just be that many a visitor or visitor slips into a particular role. "Do not worry, it does not require any sheathing or drama," says Jerome. It will be an interactive opening. It will be a thank you to the many people who have visited us during and outside of show at the Workshop Gallery. "We want to activate in the annual exhibition, to not always take the observer role," said arch-chairman Karl-Heinz hope, "it is time to take any influence, as he likes." You might think that during the entire exhibition period to "Generative Art" is about. Es ist eine zeitgenössische Form des künstlerischen Schaffens, wobei das Kunstwerk beziehungsweise das Endprodukt nicht im Focus steht. Es überwiegt mehr der Entstehungsprozess und das Wichtigste dabei, die Idee. „Dieses neue Konzept besteht aus Performance und eigener Ideenentwicklung. Wir sind selbst auf die Reaktionen gespannt“, so Schrage. Kunstwerke von Kirsten Minkel, Stephanie Neuhaus, Pit Schrage, Axel Schubert, Karl-Heinz Hosse und Haimo Hieronymus werden zu flexiblen Objekten. Musikalisch wird die interaktive Jahresausstellung von der „Bubble Jazz Band“. Bis zum 22. Dezember kann man bei der Jahresausstellung mitwirken oder einfach als Betrachter die Galerieräume besuchen. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos. Öffnungszeiten: Donnerstags 17 bis 20 Uhr; samstags 14 bis 18 Uhr. Telefon: 02932/203130

Hymen, Make Bleed, *vİdeo,

Manuel Quero Castellano at Ruhr-2010

If on 9 January 2010, the three-day cultural festival in the European Capital of Culture 2010 begins WATCH Neheimer the dancer, choreographer, director, Manuel Quero Castellano is. Together with the Essen Folkwang Dance Studio "(FTS) is Quero on the grounds outside the world heritage Zeche Zollverein at the Opening Ceremony are on the main stage. The choreography takes Henrietta Horn, who has worked for years with the deceased in June Pina Bausch. Quero also was a member of four years, the so-called FTS-Compagnie. Three weeks ago he received the call from horn that he should be present at the event in the Zollverein. "It's a great honor for me a small contribution to European Capital of Culture afford to watch," said the native of Spain. With the FTS, he will show contemporary expression of dance. In the last week, ten dancers met for the first project meeting. "Our group is very multicultural and consists of different nationalities, like the super Ruhrgebiet" according to the head of the dance theater "theater of the arch." A year ago he moved to the workshop gallery "The Bow" and has a studio into a modern theater rebuilt. "Rehearsals will be in Essen. The performance will be a very modern dance and theater to reflect the face of the Ruhr area, "said the 39-year-old. The play will be rehearsed for this event. From 23 November to show it means for Quero rehearse every day, and seven times a week. "It will eventually all be perfect, because there are tens of thousands of expected visitors and of course a live broadcast on TV," said Quero. His further plans in 2010: He wants the Dancers of the famous food from FTS to Arnsberg-Neheim for performances in his "theater of the form" fetch. "I would like a modern dance theater with a contemporary expression of dance in the cultural life of our city to incorporate. I've been trying in my workshops. Just a dance theater for everyone, "hopes confessing the Sauerland.