Sunday, April 8, 2007

Pain In The Arch Of My Foot When Ice Skating

Recently at Thermopylae

or Asterchen, are you coming to the movies ...

"300". Voila. A film, which I am admittedly 've got a very long time. I am a friend of the graphic novels by Frank Miller, Sin City really enjoyed and wanted to have fun here in good faith. In this context, I confess, as much a weakness for well-staged graphic violence as well as to have sex. All in all, not bad conditions to make me 300 Spartans on their way to defy the Thermopylae pass an overwhelming Persian advance.

Which brings us to the plot.

the middle of the ancient nahert is an overwhelming Persian army under the Great King Xerxes perischen Greece in order to conquer it. Although it is unwilling to submit to him, the Greeks, especially the city of Athens, because of various political entanglements also unwilling to face the approaching army in their path. Even the people of Sparta have the opportunity to surrender to prove without a fight, however this as the wrong address. Leonidas, King of Sparta breaks, with 300 of his best soldiers to Xerxes at Thermopylae on the lapse, the narrowness of the Persian supremacy can be brave. It launched a few scattered but motivated Greeks to them, and then it goes off. The rest of the film is magnificent battle scenes, heroic song and a story of heroic failure.

The basis of the film is the eponymous comic strip by Frank Miller, in turn was inspired by real events. (The first battle of Thermopylae (480 BC.)).

The audience in this film that is, the implementation of an interpretation of an interpretation that makes any artistic freedom. The implementation of this interpretation is standard hammer. Visually and aesthetically smash the images are borrowed directly from Miller's comic, the audience in the chair.

But when you leave the cinema, the cinema is limited experience in retrospect to the feeling of having heard a metal song. To me personally this is not enough, however.

Other critics during the run at 300 like the adjective "Fascist" into the field that is unfortunately not entirely wrong. The film tries to be just as the glorification of his heroic protagonists as well as the degradation of his enemies. Where there are predominantly crippled mutants and small and grossly inferior representative of Middle Eastern cultures, so that the whole thing degenerates into a big cripple clapping. Friends of the movie cause like the aspect of historical accuracy in the field, which would have to be above that of the alleged political incorrectness. Yes, the Spartans were a nation of about soldiers who have no doubt in this ethos and actions shown and felt. The Battle of Thermopylae saw a little while anders aus, denn auf der Seite der Spartaner kämpften insgesamt 4.000 Griechen, aber das persische Mutantenstadl sollte den Historikern unter den Kritikern den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen. Obwohl dieser Aspekt ohnehin hinfällig ist, da es sich um eine Umsetzung einer Interpretation aus zweiter Hand handelt.

Eine solche hat gewöhnlich keinen moralischen Anspruch, was aber im Gegenwartskontext etwas problematisch ist.

Jede große Fantasy Saga, von Conan bis zum Herrn der Ringe hat moralische Aspekte. Und das zurecht. Selbst der etwas überpathetische „Kingdom of Heaven“ billigte den Gegnern seiner so rechtschaffenen Heere Qualitäten zu. „300“ nicht. Es ist eine Metzel Soap in der Gut und Evil must be distinguished so clearly that it hurts. It also does the little bit of tokenism Hanldung and historical limbo no harm.

I'm certainly not a moral person, but there are movies that leave me with a bitter aftertaste. Just like when others dismiss as mere entertainment. Nothing that reaches the masses is just entertainment. (Started by the way this knowledge at "The Devil's Rejects," which is actually a really well-made horror movie)

Ergo, the "300" ultimately expected to Spartan. In every respect, apart from the graphic.

who indulge in these Manowar widescreen excess möchte, dem sei er vergönnt, er soll aber eben nicht mehr als grandiose Bilder und unfehlbare Heldenstereotypen erwarten.

(Und ein paar wenige zugegebenermaßen großartige Dialoge, inmitten der heroischen Platitüden.)


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