Sunday, March 18, 2007

Seem To Get Thrush Every Month

a toast against the bigotry

after 30 Tequila I would now insert a short break.

Even if my ten year old nephew and maybe catch up by the Sunday betting booze still to decide for themselves is.

But is just driven up in the playground over a rescue team. The paramedics try to separate half a dozen unconscious teenager from their bottles of Jagermeister, and I think that it might is necessary to say a few words to contemporary problems.

coma is in fact a 16 year old drinker, not a good advertisement for the alcoholic lobby.
But a young person who are looking for potential conditional approval need not be kept in check is far from representative. For generations, young people are decent drink only to the vicinity of the coma, to vomit like joking and also in groups and then fall asleep. If they have breasts, they are then often a little annoyed. Usually, at some point and woke up (also in groups) complained of a headache.

Unilateral journalistic smear campaigns but any alcohol initiation rituals.

the sociable preheating, filling and Nachschütten are, what we do not forget do indispensable part of our culture
Efforts aged alcoholics who seek often already a whole human life, their children in bringing the per-thousand mysteries threaten to nullify be!

But forget the supposed temperance, is the fact that the current recovery of our country is not least due to courageous binge drinkers. As we all know, the alcohol tax in this country divides into three classes: the beer, brandy, and sparkling wine tax. In the case of used here, the Treasury deserves tequilas under the liquor tax of 100 liters sold € 1,303. Our comatose comrade generated with 52 glasses thus about 1.50 € for gossip State. And at this point is already shown what can young alcoholics in this country. Opportunities to work, they have not, hardly anyone will secure his pension. But they can drink. Accordingly, it takes a night little more than 1,000 motivated young people in all major German cities, and the recovery is assured.

These are numbers that no one is thinking. Instead, infiltriert das verfrömmelte Gebaren maßvoller Trinker auch die Gemüter unserer jungen Hoffnungsträger. So fordert etwa eine Jugendliche, die sich nicht um das Volkswohl zu kümmern scheint, in einem Forum ein gesetzliches Limit von 45 Gläsern Tequila. So viel Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Aber leider am falschen Platz. Nimm deine Freunde Mädchen, zieht los, und 70 Tequila sollten euer Ziel sein! Im gleichen Forum, fordert ein anderer junger Mensch umsichtig, dass man dem tequilophilen Koma-Patienten nach dem Erwachen sein Abiturzeugnis wegnehmen möge. Nun, einem 16-jährigen sein Abitur abzuerkennen wird nicht leicht sein, aber der moralische Ansatz ehrt den Autor ohne Zweifel.

Doch bringt uns Such further? Prohibitions? Regulation? Not at all. Excessive alcohol consumption has for centuries been a cornerstone of the capital. Cultured established in the wake of industrialization, as an entrepreneur in an exemplary manner and out of pure friendliness, good pubs near the workers barracks on the factory premises.

to noble role models like these are based today, the manufacturers of alcoholic trendy drinks. They deserve our thanks, each squeakingly bright merchandise stand, proffer to the young hip people of other young people a drink! Each manufacturer who invents a drink with such a funny name that all have fun in kindergarten.

not our complaint. Even if they forgot to ask in the heat of battle sometimes by age. Life is ultimately a single colorful party, a large fragrance sauce. And we can not celebrate the ban.

Damn, now has the little rascal has his 40th tilted down.

Now I have work cut me though.

In this sense, cheers!

Copyrihgt christian of aster


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