Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tier Cake Stands Ottawa

Fortsetzung folgt...

...vorerst nicht hier, folgende Seiten sollten für Euch jedoch interessant sein:

Avast! Es geht weiter auf hoher See. Eine Bande von Matrosen macht sich auf zu neuen Ufern um den wertvollsten Schatz zu finden, die unsere Welt zu bieten hat: Musik.
'Was sind das für Leichtmatrosen?', fragt ihr euch? - Das ist die Crew der Music-Pirates .
Steigt ein in eine Welt, voller Gefahren und Lustspielen und genießt den wohltuenden Klang der grenzenlosen Freiheit. Dieser Klang wird zum größten Teil durch den Hardcore/Metal/Punk -Bereich geprägt. Taking also other music that is not pushed into the "mainstream" drawer, is welcome.
happy to be seen with us so active sailors who can discuss with a lot of musical interest with us and / or provide music for the bug (Main Page) ready.
Sharpen your blades and comes to Board.

The Likedeeler
This blog is an attempt to culture advanced socio-political content to convey. Away from the capitalist logic here are socially critical artists and presented to international, national to regional issues related position.
I brought this rap, but there currently is reflected down my laziness.

is also my link list on the right side, very nice.

Have fun with it until then ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yako Neuro Online Doujinshi

news from the end of the world

verswärtige a consideration of the current world situation

It recently went to a late hour
steadily based on the world.
But because each of us as
was just too busy, we have it
not perceived
of the decline experienced nothing.

had only 'the world before she fell
the application for the fall, would
now the world
that made timely filed
and triple penetration, we would have probably shown interest

We must not tremble, we must fear not,
for the world is long since gone. presented