Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Discontinued Pfaltzgraff Paterns

More Ruhr monitor be located

Am Dienstag, 6.Oktober 2009 werden again a few heads in the Ruhr locate. All who want to be there are to be invited to. We meet at the clock against 15 STATEMENT in Arnsberg-Neheim in Möhnestraße. From there it goes into the cultural capital of the city of Arnsberg to Alt-Arnsberg. Let's see which bridge is still free. Proposals we will of course again welcome. The following will be put to the main actors: the mask numbers: 95, 93, 79, 91, 149, 71, 92, 76, 72, 100, 77, 96, 152, 80, 75, 99, 94, 73, 98, 78, 150 and probably more. Please bring waterproof clothing, it gets cold and wet ...

Dave And Buster In Nj

5th International Theatre Meeting in Arnsberg

For the fifth time, under the artistic direction of the international Teatron THEATER Theater Arnsberg meeting "took place. Free professional theater companies present their work at Arnsberg stages - the crop and the wrought Arnsberg Sauerland theater - before. A particular feature of this theater festivals have always been the cross-genre productions - so were Stage Play, figures and mask theater, street theater and music events in the program.

This year will form the focus of the dance theater theater festivals. Under the title "Dream Dancer" will find strong visually influenced several forms of theater dance theater productions see be. As a "poetry of the foot," described the English poet John Dryden the dance. So just the dance theater productions to a world between reason and emotion, takes between fantasy and reality, just in the dream-dance world of poetry ...

the festival also for weeks in the ARC be sampled Formation Group K "with its handling of the Kafka-drama "The Crypt Keeper" part.

information at www.teatron-theater.de

How Is Blood Prioritized On The Nhs

Guppe K and the Tomb Guardian in the ARC

"The Crypt Keeper" brings to the court of Prince Leo of rebellious message Spirits. But while the prince drilled in the past, stoking already a conspiracy against him. An ominous announcement, changes are imminent.

With the help of flashlights, metal and projections explore three students of the course puppetry discover Kafka's fragment and dreams and visions of death.

A project completion of the course Puppet Theatre of the Academy of Music and Performing Arts.

game: Catherine Muschiol, Maike Evers, Stefan Wenzel [Group C]

Duration: 30 - 45 minutes

Artistic accompaniment: Yehuda Almagor

03.10.2009 - 2009 Theatertreffen culture wrought Arnsberg 22.30
clock 04.10.2009 - Werkstattgalerie THE BOW 17.00
clock 08.10.2009 - sample stage of the program celebrates puppetry 20.00 clock

Less Sensation In Left Leg

FSG Big Band celebrates its 20th anniversary in the ARC

on 08/10/2009, FSG-Bigband led by Frau Antje Tetzlaff its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion will be held in the premises of the workshop gallery THE BOW a gala. For this purpose, are also expected to as a musical score some former band members and other renowned jazz musicians.

* Alex Lex There saxophone
tickets are available for 28/09/2009 in the school offices and at the box office

He sits on the stool, that's right audience for the coming situation and just go with its program "Sauerland-dialogues". Gerd comedian Norman knows the types from the Sauerland, whose character and way of life. In Focus of his dialogues, the couple William and Elizabeth. You live in a small town in the Sauerland (probably Nuttlar). For more than 40 years, she led a more or less happy marriage. Their everyday conversation include politics, of course, village events and Kaffeeklatsch events. The results or the conclusions drawn at a very bizarre kind Willi are with the care of his remaining hair (eleven hair) very busy. Each hair has a name. It was the player of the national soccer team. "Take that to the women's team, who could still have offspring," said Lisbeth. Or they knew that the Federal will Sauerland all gas lighters filled with distilled water. The Sauerland terrorists should be able to spark any bomb. Norman tries to balance between hatred and love for Liesbeth and William found. In this talk, the two have often pass each other. "The experiences of the everyday life of an older the couple are not rare, "says one listener. Even people from the neighborhood come in the dialogues of Normann. As a father wants to marry off his 47-year-old daughter to a neighbor. She was also very tough and would be satisfied with a place next to the lawn mower in tool shed. Lisbeth's girlfriend recently grown hair on his chest, just because they are considered a gorilla at the zoo for a long time. She felt that it was a very distant relative of hers. As Lisbeth was in the zoo they had a long conversation with a warthog. Reason: Marianne had discussed her nipple and then was gone. In Nuttlar born and living in Berlin since 1986, inspired the Norman Audience in the Neheimer Werkstattgalerie "The bow" in the Möhnestraße. On the stage of the "theater of the bow" by Manuel Quero family atmosphere was conveyed and the audience were part of the program. Norman was the guest for the second appearance at Neheimer territory 2009th As early as May played the co-founder of the group "lettuce" in a restaurant on the street pharmacist. Information at www.the-

Jenna Jamesonjewel Denyle

art exhibition Kwang Sung Park in the ARC

Kwang Sung Park

pictures were already visible at openings in major galleries from New York, Miami, Chicago, Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTurin, Toronto, Vienna, Berlin and Cologne. Haimo Hieronymus arch artist could get the South Korean artist with his works to Neheim in the workshop gallery "The Bow". The exhibition starts on Sunday 6 Clock by 17 September under the title "having and being." Admission free. The painter was an extra in April for a weekend from South Korea to Neheim to get an impression of the city and the exhibition space. "He was excited and felt that his work environment of the Neheim and in the exhibition rooms of the studio community would fit well, "said Jerome, and raves. "The work of the park are very intense. Is it painting or photography? He uses light and shadow is a unique, here you can see deep knowledge of Baroque lighting. "The Koreans, his painting in a classic building in layers. It uses the existing structures of the ground and then lifts faces, bodies and landscapes out blurred. In the grisaille of parking is on the incisive simplicity. The colors black and white mixed with different shades of gray are features of his sculptures. Some appear out of focus, but after long consideration the configurations are beginning to surface. The black Background with bright fabrics to draw the viewer literally. The oil paintings are painted with a great perfection, plays the reflecting surface is a very special role. About 30 images of Kwang Sung Park in the workshop gallery "The Bow" by 1 October will see. "The exhibition is in collaboration with Galerie Klose (Essen) has succeeded, and certainly beyond the usual cultural centers for the Sauerland a special feature," says Karl-Heinz Hosse, Chairman of the arc. More information: www.the-bogen.de

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Check Drug Faint Line

Sauerland dialogues in Werkstattgalerie THE BOW

Der über die ersten Verortung ist fertig. Die Neheimer Antwort auf Steven Spielberg = Christopher Bröcker und Dieter Meth haben ihn gedreht. Zehn Masken sind in der Ruhr ihrer Bestimmung eingesetzt worden. Stephanie Neuhaus und Haimo Hieronymus waren die Bohrexperten. Sie benutzten keine Bohrplattform. Eine Maus, die auf einigen Ruhralgen saß, schaute dem Treiben zu. Durch die Ruhrwächter (Masken) sind an der Bazillenbrücke (Alt-Arnsberg Sauerlandtheater) neue kleine Wirbel in der Ruhr entstanden. Hoffentlich bekommen wir mit der Umweltbehörde kein Theater, in der Nähe des Sauerland-Theaters? Als Dieter die Kamera unter Wasser hielt, musste die neue Ruhr-Regenbogenforelle Haimo gleich um eine Maske swim around. Only with the breathing, it has not quite worked out Sun Remember that project Ruhr guard is still running until 20 July 2010. Dare and lets create a mask.

More at www.ruhrwaechter.de

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Do I Insert Mods To Sim City 4

Kwang Sung Park Neheim

Today (August 15, 2009) has come. The first ten clock switch or flow switch to be located. Comical expression. But what it is, the first concrete forms are available from 16 clock their place in the Ruhr. At the Bazillusbrücke (Sauerland Theater in Old Arnsberg) are sie aus der Ruhr heraus die Menschen beobachten. Mit dem Kunstsommer wird das Projekt aber nicht enden.
Es läuft weiter bis zum 20. Juli 2010.
Die Arnsberger Ortsteile mit ihren Ortsheimatpflegern oder Vereinsvorständen sind nun gefordert, aber auch die Medien, dieses der Bevölkerung mitzuteilen. Bei Ortsfesten oder auch Vereinsfeiern, die Bogenkünstler für das Projekt "Wächter der Ruh(e)r" einzuladen. Man kann auch direkt nach Vereinbarung in die Werkstattgalerie "Der Bogen" (Neheim) in der Möhnestraße kommen, um ein Gipsabdruck von seinem Gesicht zu machen. Weiteres unter http://www.ruhrwaechter.de/ . Ach noch was: Über 170 Citizens have made their faces available. In Neheim wants the Neheimer hunting club after Schnadegang (September 5) let the Fresekenhof plaster masks off by the arc artists.