Saturday, January 31, 2009

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Franz-Josef Degenhardt - Mother Mathilde

first Angela Davis
second Nostalgia
third Bodo, called the Red
4th 40
5th Sacco and Vanzetti
6th Interview of a conscientious objector
7th Natasha Speckenbach
8th At the wedding
9th Mother Mathilde
10th Yes, I mean this Germany


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Ernst Busch - Kurt Tucholsky, Eisler, Wedekind


01 tales (Tucholsky / Eisler)
02 The salvation of the outside (Tucholsky / Eisler)
2003 prophecy (Tucholsky / Eisler)
04 The Airborne (Tucholsky / Eisler)
2005 Revolution Review (Tucholsky / Eisler)
06 yes, back in November (Tucholsky / Eisler) 07
couplet for the beer division (Tucholsky / Eisler)
2008 Time out with the mother ...! (Tucholsky / Eisler) 09
carrot and the stick (Tucholsky / Eisler)
10 The mouths on! (Tucholsky / Eisler) scattered
11 Roses on the way (Tucholsky / Eisler) 12 Today
between yesterday and tomorrow (Tucholsky / Eisler)
13 In the Holy Land (Wedekind)
14 The Anarchist (Wedekind)
15 The zoologist (Wedekind)
16 The blind boy (Wedekind)
17 Brigitte B. (Wedekind)
18 My Lies (Wedekind)
19 The weather vane (Wedekind)
20 The seven light (Wedekind)
21 diplomats (Wedekind)


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Ernst Busch singt Brecht


01 Urban legend
02 Legend of the dead soldiers - the summer of 1918
03 Ballad of the woman and the soldier
04th Against seduction
05th A horse accuses
06th By the kindness of the world - Against song to: From the friendliness of the 07th World
The Ballad of the adventurers
08th Memory of Marie A.
09th Of the girls seduced
10th Ballad of the pirates
11th The Ballad of Hannah Cash
12th The song of the SA-man
13th 1931 Solidarity Song
14th The Ballad of the tree and the branches
15th 1933 Einheitsfrontlied
16th In large time (recitation)
17th The crutches
18th 1938 Communism is the Mean (recitation)
19th Future song
20. Praise of Communism
21st The big Carthage (recitation)
22nd The anachronistic train
23rd Song structure
24th The poplar from Karlsplatz
25th The day will come
26th Song of Peace


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Ernst Busch - Is yesterday

01 civic charity
02 Yes at that time, November 18
03 The trench
2004 Revolution Review
05 The salvation outside
06 prayer for the prisoners
07 In Weißensee
2008 Merry expectations
09 Social Democratic Party
March 10, 1920 - The Triumph of sub-humanity
11 Marburger student song
12 prophecies
13 German song
14 Ideal and Reality
15 Smoking Man
16 Anna Luise
17 The Airborne
18 longing for 19 summer song of longing


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Ernst Busch - You must take the lead

Tracklist: 01
praise the revolutionary
02 to sing in prison
03 How the Crow 04 The
torn coat
05 Report 1 May
2006 praise of learning
07 grave speech about a comrade
08 Arise
2009 praise of dialectics
10 Mother Courage's song
11 song of the whistling Pieter
change 12 beggar's song of the great minds
13 In the spring
14 Germany
15 The world we
16 The old ways of learning
17 18 The Wonderland


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Ernst Busch - Ask a reading worker

Tracklist: 01 The
Morität Mackie Messer
02 issues a reading worker
03 When the lights burning again
04 farmers under the lime tree from 'Faust'
05 The faithful Johnie
2006 wedding song
07 Where are you now
08 The love
09 The Satisfied
10 pact scene from 'Faust'
11 La Marmotte
of 12 flea song from 'Faust'
13 monologue in prison 'Egmont'
14 salute to the Mark Brandenburg
15 min Jehanne
16 Suliko
17 Hobellied
sparet 18 memories of Marie A.
19 Alt-new carol 20
grace not even bother

Link: http:/ /

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Ernst Busch - Echo of links


2001 Red Wedding
02 The secret deployment
2003 fight song of the IAH
2004 Solidarity Song (1931)
05 None or all
2006 song of the Popular Front
07 All weapons against Hitler
08 The Ballad of the Reichstag fire
09 We are the red mouthpiece
10 The red fireman
11 to the armies of Europe
12 barracks waves
13 Speier man
14 The Song of the red flag
15 grave speech for a fellow
16 Left March
17 lice song (! forward, Bolshevik)
18 Time-marching
19 Subbotnik


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Ernst Busch - It burns


2001 battle song against fascism
02 Kälbermarsch
03 The leader
2004 Ballad of the whore Marie Sanders
05 The march into the Third Reich
06 'S Brent
07 For you are stupid
2008 emigrant Choral
09 The Moor soldiers
10 Sachsenhausen-Lied
11 Balade from the tree and the branches
12 The Song of the SA-man
13 Buchwald song
14 Lilo Hermann
15 As long as the killers live in the world


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Ernst Busch - The Roaring Twenties


01 Ballade von der Knüppelgarde
02 Lied vom Kompromiß
03 Dolchstoß-Legende
04 Der Feind steht rechts
05 Spartakus 1919
06 Rote Melodie
07 Stempellied 1929
08 Ballade vom Neger Jim
09 Die Mäuler auf
10 Grenzübergang
11 Die weinenden Hohenzollern
12 Aber warum weinen die Hohenzollern?
13 Sozialdemokratisches Mailiedchen
14 Seifenlied
15 Die Ballade von der Elly Maldaque
16 Das Wunder vom 1. May 17
Gustav Kulke's blissful end
18 crops
19 You know the land
