Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bloody Mucus Pre-period

general ideas on the present culture of violence


from radio and television, I know that indications and dosage form of juvenile violence are becoming more. Alone in the tabloid throw young people keep each other from the balcony, because they seem to have nothing better to do it.

me this is a little strange. Probably because I never had the need, James Fincher's "Fight Club" (based on the novel by Chuck Palaniuk) enact. Today, young people do something so permanent, and the school grounds have today if we believe everything that you write , Roman Gladiator schools similar. The mechanism of violence there seems universal. Since moves of X-Box or Playstation will be checked for realism, ownership of the brands or redefined erprügelt first Mannbarkeitslorbeeren. And despite the boot camps, labor camps and Super Nanny. Meanwhile, the young people have been skipping school to take the time kickboxing hours and can defend themselves in case of emergency.

As long disoriented young people but only beat each other, that was fine. Meanwhile, youth groups and violence does, however, next to the large percentage of German students, the beat is for entertainment purposes on Youtube must be, caught it now sometimes innocent citizens.

And of course, can be celebrated in headlines. Without brutalmarodierende primary school students, Ubahnchaoten, rock-throwing and Maulhaukasper was our exclamation mark alerts oriented society no longer conceivable. must be constantly warned and warned. Scares edition, and somehow it seems that the company would need regular polishing the face to get upset about it can. Violence is everywhere just as exercised, where it feels as rewarding, and a bomb which exploded just more exciting than one that is defused. The

easily accessible press, in any case have to be about 90% of young people bloodthirsty Pschopathen. Popular in this regard in which they are experienced, based on the current violence are allowed to express headlines, whether it's worse then being beaten up by skinheads autonomous, or foreigners.

For me personally, I can see that violence is always unpleasant to me. No matter by whom it is exercised. Furthermore, I must admit that I usually is more, if someone is beaten up, who's not me. In my life I have so far also only tend to get in small doses on the mouth: In his early years springerstiefelte ein Skinhead mich unter dem Jubel sparsam frisierter Kollegen und einem fadenscheinigen Vorwand den Kopf, und vor knapp einem Jahr durfte ich fünf sturzbetrunken jungen Südländern beim Frustrationsabbau behilflich zu sein und ihnen, nach dem man sie nicht in einen Club gelassen hatte, ein Gesicht für einen beherzten Faustschlag zur Verfügung stellen,. Falls mir jetzt noch der Sinn nach etwas autonomer Gewalt steht, muss ich mir nur ein Thor Steinar Leibchen überziehen und im falschen Teil der Stadt spazieren gehen.
Doch obwohl ich ein Streetfightjungfrau bin, habe ich durchaus eine Meinung zum Thema Gewalt, die am ehesten einem Ausspruch Isaac Asimovs entspricht: „Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht des Unfähigen".
ability , however learned.
one therefore has role models.
And although those not on You-Tube Kickboxing ...

© Christian von Aster

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Locate Trane Xe90 Furnace Burner Section



Thank you, my penis is long enough

predestined The possession of a computer to problems.

Even if all connected devices are working at some point, there are still at the end of the Internet! And wait a lot of new friends, such as Jessica42, Mona938 and Uschi WeissderDrahtwienoch that we want to show on their website constantly new images of themselves. But there on the net there are other people. People who have a sincere desire to help! For example, which I did today put together a colorful tablets Packet: 10 varieties cute pills and many many others.

But given the fact that neither Jesse nor Mona gave me at that time responded to my emails, I did not also point out to question 23 987, whether it be first or last name.

him I probably would not ever write back.

Across Finally a pharmacy.

other charming people, around the clock ready to help me with my problems with ugly pop-ups that they send me but before myself. This means that opens a window on a monitor in which one asks me if I do not open windows to prevent any would. In fact, the little wonders kind of a femoral plug the shooter shot if they would be in the future maybe not better shot. On a somewhat higher level is the whole story an almost global parable, which is about a war that we must take in order to perform in the future no more wars. But is said to have happened already be.

But thank God allow these things to click away so quickly.

could All that I leave behind me rather quickly, in contrast to the e-mails of people who inquired regularly worried after my penis length.

I admit, I've been thinking a bit about it.

But when this kind anxious inquiries, the mail boxes filled female friend, I began to take on the whole less personal. The thus obtained leisure, I used a small sum, that made me come to a remarkable result: a tiny male thing, which is somewhere for every incoming mail friendly extension automatically extended for a Zentimeterchen would correspondingly rich in two days to the moon. That is really impressive, but somehow not useful as a self-abusive pop-ups and, strictly speaking, nonsense.

It sounds at this point perhaps hard.

But I'm actually not a bad person.

And probably Jessica, Mona, the pill man, Mr. Pop-up and the guys from your penis is not. But secretly, it would be me still a need to make all these people to at least virtually even know each other. The idea that throw Jessica and Mona in the glow of countless pop-ups of the pills 23 987, while the penis discount stores, the latest pictures of the two Ollen Look, this just a bit screwed onto the Dödel fills me with deep satisfaction that is somehow!

from which I seriously wonder, however, if I could be as damaging a small additional Zentimeterchen really ...

© Christian von Aster

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Prestige Pressure Cooker Safety Valve How To Fit


Supported by the German railway

Berlin Lake. I do not expect you have heard of second before. But be assured: it is, like so many other routes on which German-lane railway station shines a path full of pitfalls. And, although we will switch only once.

This transfer, however, has it all!

But we continue: Whether left on time, manages the ICE on the way to achieve a certain delay. Consequently, we have counted and there is nothing that would surprise us less. We're not beginners.

keeps the web but also for their clarified most inmates still surprises ...

As she says now of those nasty problems in this terrible road sections, as the warm, honest voice of the platoon leader arouses almost sympathetic in us. We feel safe and secure, and even bilingual.

a delayed train from Leipzig would blame whispers continue our driver, the connecting train would wait, however, without exception, moreover, would be the minimum delay.

He says so sovereign acts so believable that I was the first time in years feel that has done something in the car and the customer was suddenly worth something here.

In the certain knowledge that all the connecting trains to wait, I sit back and feel somehow that everything will be fine.

the transfer station, the lovely Brunswick Hauptbahnhof reaching, I move from the usual reflex out a little faster, then you end up the back of my smart to consider gradually removed due to the train terminal. This is all styled. A nice back, red and pure, and also gradually becoming smaller.

One look at my clock to reveal, has been waiting how long that train, a period of zero, nada, Nixi, Ninnemann.

A person who hears talk like themselves, will be controlled in such a case, waving his coat the next appeal body to air his displeasure to make. I'm there and crocheted Rumpelstilz me information desk in the next pose.

The sites concerned ladies have completed their Rumpelstilzchentraining admirably. My displeasure herausgemoserter crashes into a massive wall of brutal experience. With her background in me various deals statement made, inter alia, that the train driver may have only said by mistake, waiting for that connecting trains.

According to the computer that is was never intended to wait that the train was from behind so contemplative. With an effort

see the Amazons eternal friendliness on their screen and hand me the card finally smiling customer service.

I stand there and have the horrible suspicion that the car is actually going to develop its own form of humor. I imagine how the drivers after the announcement, laughing gleefully breaks down in his cabin.

Next they will serve one in the dining car eating without utensils, while inspectors burn debasing tickets to accuse the former owner of the Black driving.

For this kind of thought I had quite enough time. The next train leaves in an hour.

an hour, they will say, that's nothing. But I remember that I am in Brunswick. The main station of this city is a place where no one staying longer than necessary, which may explain the hasty flight of the platoon leader along with my connecting train.

dawns In this regard, but I very gradually, what is a perfidious system behind it all: The Brunswick delay strategy is obviously a measure that compels the Bahnhofsvitalisierung. Delays by the railroad sent arranged to supply the stores within this dreary path sarcophagus customers and help the economy to recovery Braunscheiger station!

course against such shares. The

should not have viable be when one considers what forced 200 waiting passengers tend to a train station. By buying a newspaper to get there metabolism is a lot. Probably eventually half the population of Brunswick castaways, survivors of train tracks, that is connecting train never came, and so a part of that city were that there was probably only a hundred years ago from a train station.

I shudder at the thought of being in Brunswick soon.

I hope for the next train, while I boost with a cafe the Brunswick economy, jobs and safe operation of the experience that has never been serviced at this station a train. Perhaps

It is also different. Possibly means "wait" in this area different from where I come from. "Wait for me" would correspond here then something like "Go before ever," he has been waiting years for it "would mean something like" He has escaped several years before her "and a waiting room would become an area from which one people driven out as soon as possible. With help from such meaningless mind games I stand by it, my martyrdom Braunschweigensis, and after an hour of solid supporter of the business location Braunschweig main station is coming after all of that train, take me deeper into the province of Lower Saxony and change my life is.

He has even holds at the scheduled time in the predicted platform. Not

that would be unusual, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm afraid so, that the path to a degree, I might say frightening humor, seems to develop.

But while I go is to notice anything like this. There is neither a controller with a clown nose, or a whoopee cushion on my seat

Worn down sinking, I remind myself once again the findings of the last hour, its importance in the Braunschweig city and the local culture, the basis of the import involuntarily Waiting and Resources . Represent

one hours I'm late.

But in five minutes to leave this train. Can it really be that the web is actually on this day denied a last joke, and I shall no further obstacles in the way? It almost seems Sun I sink back in my seat once more, think myself once more in that false sense of security, as in the interior of a wagon train of German is basically completely out of place.

Then he came.

The time of departure. Or should I say

better, "the theoretical point of departure? Perhaps also "the time of theoretical exit "? The result is the same: the physical state of the train is standing, while he should be driving.

reported the sovereign voice of the platoon that the departure of the train will be delayed for a few minutes, there would have to wait for connecting passengers.

and gentle smile I take the additional delay at no additional cost or accepted.

had barely an hour ago I was waiting for me at this station in the never-a train, whether this circumstance complained.

And now waiting directly below me probably the first train in the history of the Brunswick train station. Henceforth, no one would strand more here. Travelers would be in the arms of her lover to return home, back to their families, because from now on would wait for the trains.

I had this Brunswick awarded a new face.

Brunswick, whose inhabitants are really just waiting for their connecting train ...

© Christian von Aster